
One morning early in the Spring of 2015, , I woke up with numbness in my left foot which, over a period of just six weeks, spread to the entire left side of my body. The numbness was caused by a vascular anomaly called a cavernous malformation. Long-story short, the “cav mal” required a ten-hour brain surgery to halt its expansion into my brainstem. While the surgery most certainly saved my life, it further debilitated the left side of my body, paralyzed the right side of my face, caused permanent double-vision, and required a three-week stay in the hospital. After all that and countless hours of physical and occupational therapy, I’ve been able to resume a full life, though my motor-skill deficiencies, numbness, and double-vision persist.

Disconjugate Gaze is the story of my health struggle from the date of diagnosis through one year of recovery.

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How to Purchase Disconjugate Gaze

Both paperback AND electronic versions of Disconjugate Gaze are now available on Amazon.com or by clicking here

If you choose to purchase a copy, and you like it, please review it on Amazon and/or goodreads. This is a self-published memoir and (aside from paying an editor) everything related to this book and its creation was done by me, family, and friends for free. Your “word-of-mouth” and reviews are the best/only way of publicizing this book. 

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